oleh: Retno Aprillia*
One evidence which will never cheat is your life
Look for at neighbor’s garden which in flower
Surely, You never find it
Togetherness, sincerity in struggling, and sacrifice is indivisible matter
(Femyla As-Sa’diyah; 2008)
An endless change is how we act consciously and head for detected, survive and make a change is my first aim live here. Now, we are faced with the real common enemy and automatically we must be alert in this world. HMI conveys many values that can make somebody feel that this is their real life. Real evidence that we require to make a move is caused by a grind and injustice in all aspect. Every society own the values believed with. Dimiciling value in a society not only as life guide but also as meaning giver for charitable its member. Harmony value can differentiate which is there are in a society become a beautiful life panorama. Therefore, values is always viewed as vitally something even hold high by all member a society.
If we express our felling when join in this community, no words can be said. Students in University usually have different perception when look into the organization itself, even they don’t care about their responsibility. When we join with a community and association, firstly we have the same mission and goal of course, from that point I feel HMI is the suitable community of Islamic Students that can explore their capability in managing time, people, system, etc. But the basic thing that can build our awareness is our belief. Islam give the biggest contribution in human being QS. Ali Imron : 19
This verse tells that Islam is the best of life. Allah declares that Islam the perfect religion for Human being and the universe.
Ulil Albab as name that given for a human ask us to think and do with a reference. For example: We must know why we live in this world, what is our aim, and what should we do?? That questions must be answered by yourself of course with Tauhid perceptions. What a beautiful ISLAM it is. So, what will you wait for now. Let join us if you care and aware about your duty in this world as a human. Because a change never be done by yourself and now. Save struggling for Allah. Last but not least, I just want to say thank you for Allah that make us as family and please don’t separate us and gathered in the heaven Amin…Thanks for all Mujahid and Mujahidah in HMI Allah blesses you and your family. Yakin Usaha Sampai…..(femyla)
* Kader HMI FPBS IKIP PGRI Semarang
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